Getting the index position of the largest element of a parameter

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Joined: 4 years ago

Getting the index position of the largest element of a parameter

Post by aileen »

I have a problem of choosing indexes for the maximum value of a parameter. Let a(i,j) be a parameter with sets i /i1*i5/, j /j1*j10/. Let

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Maxa = smax((i,j), a(i,j));
How do I get the index for i and j which lead to value Maxa?
Posts: 136
Joined: 4 years ago

Re: Getting the index position of the largest element of a parameter

Post by aileen »


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Set i /i1 * i5/,
    j /j1 * j4/,
    posmax(i,j) 'position of largest element';
Parameter a(i,j) 'some data',
          maxa   'largest element of a';

a(i,j)=uniformint (1,100);
maxa = smax((i,j), a(i,j));
posmax(i,j) = a(i,j) = maxa;

Option decimals=0;
display a, maxa, posmax;

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----     13 PARAMETER a  some data

            j1          j2          j3          j4

i1          18          85          56          31
i2          30          23          35          86
i3           7          51         100          58
i4         100          77          14          64
i5          16          26          67          44

----     13 PARAMETER maxa                 =          100  largest element of a

----     13 SET posmax  position of largest element

            j1          j3

i3                     YES
i4         YES
In case just one element is wanted and not all index positions with the maximum number, one can use a Singleton Set like this:

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Singleton Set posmaxS(i,j);
Option strictSingleton=0;
posmaxS(i,j) = a(i,j) = maxa;
display posmaxS;

Code: Select all

----     18 SET posmaxS  


i3         YES