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An MIP formulation for MPEC can be solved with option optcr=0. However, the result appears not an optimal solution.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:17 am
by uluoo
I have developed an MIP formulation for MPEC as follows. It can be solved with option optcr=0. However, the result appears not an optimal solution. If we set Pb_h.fx(h) = 20, a better solution can be derived. It is strange. Would you please help me.
Thank so much in advance

d demand /1/,
b /1*2/,
w /1*2/,
g thermal generation /1/,
h hydro /1/;

Pb_cap price cap for bids[$.MWh^-1] /50/,
Mmax /10000/;

qd(d) demand /1 200/,
Pb_g(g, w, b) price offer by block bg of thermal generating unit g in time period t and scenario w /1.1.1 22, 1.1.2 23, 1.2.1 22.1, 1.2.2 22.3/,
q_hmax(h) maximum capacity of hydroplant in time period t[MW] /1 200/,
q_gmax(g, w, b) maximum capacity of block bg of thermal generating unit g in time period t /1.1.1 150, 1.1.2 150, 1.2.1 150, 1.2.2 150/,
q_gmin(g, w, b) minimum capacity of block bg of thermal generating unit g in time period t/1.1.1 0, 1.1.2 0, 1.2.1 0, 1.2.2 0/;

positive variables
Pb_h(h) price offer by block bg of hydropower plant in period t ,
qb_h(h) quantity offer by block bg of hydropower plant in period t;

*Pb_h.fx(h) = 20;

obj the target,
lamda(w) locational marginal price at node n in period t and scenario w,
q_h(h, w) power produced by block bg of hydropower plant in period t and scenario w,
q_g(g, w, b) power produced block bg of thermal generating unit g in period t and scenario w,
miu_hmax(h, w) duel,
miu_hmin(h, w),
miu_gmax(g, w, b),
miu_gmin(g, w, b);

binary variables
ah_min(h, w),
ah_max(h, w),
ag_min(g, w, b),
ag_max(g, w, b);

BidLimit(h, b),
derH(h, w),
derG(g, w, b),
CompHmin1(h, w),
CompHmin2(h, w),
CompHmin3(h, w),
CompHmin4(h, w),
CompGmin1(g, w, b),
CompGmin2(g, w, b),
CompGmin3(g, w, b),
CompGmin4(g, w, b),
CompHmax1(h, w),
CompHmax2(h, w),
CompHmax3(h, w),
CompHmax4(h, w),
CompGmax1(g, w, b),
CompGmax2(g, w, b),
CompGmax3(g, w, b),
CompGmax4(g, w, b);

ob.. obj =e= -sum((g, w, b), q_g(g, w, b) * Pb_g(g, w, b)) + sum((d, w), Lamda(w) * qd(d)) - sum((g, w, b), miu_gmax(g, w, b) * q_gmax(g, w, b)) - sum(h, Pb_h(h));
BidLimit(h, b).. Pb_h(h) =l= Pb_cap;
BlockLimit(h).. qb_h(h) =e= q_hmax(h);

DerLamda(w).. sum(d, qd(d)) - sum(h, q_h(h, w)) - sum((g, b), q_g(g, w, b)) =e= 0;
derH(h, w).. Pb_h(h) - Lamda(w) + miu_hmax(h, w) - miu_hmin(h, w) =e= 0;
derG(g, w, b).. Pb_g(g, w, b) - Lamda(w) + miu_gmax(g, w, b) - miu_gmin(g, w, b) =e= 0;

CompHmin1(h, w) .. q_h(h, w) =g= 0;
CompHmin2(h, w) .. miu_hmin(h, w) =g= 0;
CompHmin3(h, w) .. q_h(h, w) =l= ah_min(h, w)*Mmax;
CompHmin4(h, w) .. miu_hmin(h, w) =l= (1-ah_min(h, w))*Mmax;

CompHmax1(h, w) .. qb_h(h)-q_h(h, w) =g= 0;
CompHmax2(h, w) .. miu_hmax(h, w) =g= 0;
CompHmax3(h, w) .. qb_h(h)-q_h(h, w) =l= ah_max(h, w)*Mmax;
CompHmax4(h, w) .. miu_hmax(h, w) =l= (1-ah_max(h, w))*Mmax;

CompGmin1(g, w, b) .. q_g(g, w, b)-q_gmin(g, w, b) =g= 0;
CompGmin2(g, w, b) .. miu_gmin(g, w, b) =g= 0;
CompGmin3(g, w, b) .. q_g(g, w, b)-q_gmin(g, w, b) =l= ag_min(g, w, b)*Mmax;
CompGmin4(g, w, b) .. miu_gmin(g, w, b) =l= (1-ag_min(g, w, b))*Mmax;

CompGmax1(g, w, b) .. q_gmax(g, w, b)-q_g(g, w, b) =g= 0;
CompGmax2(g, w, b) .. miu_gmax(g, w, b) =g= 0;
CompGmax3(g, w, b) .. q_gmax(g, w, b)-q_g(g, w, b) =l= ag_max(g, w, b)*Mmax;
CompGmax4(g, w, b) .. miu_gmax(g, w, b) =l= (1-ag_max(g, w, b))*Mmax;

model simple /all/;
option optcr=0;
solve simple using MIP maximizing obj;

Re: An MIP formulation for MPEC can be solved with option optcr=0. However, the result appears not an optimal solution.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 7:17 pm
by Manassaldi
Hi, on my computer I don't have that problem

normal solution: z=8820
with Pb_h.fx(h) = 20 : z=8800

Normal solution is greater than forced solution
