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Uncontrolled set entered as constant

Post by delelayo08 »

Hello House i need help with this error code.

8 Sets
9 i 'Harvesting sites' /corkCounty, WillCounty /
10 b 'Biomass Feedstocks' /Switch_Grass, Energy_Crop,W
oodResidues / // Three major cellulosic biomass (Agricultural Product
s, Energy crops and wood residue
11 j 'Collection Facilities' /corkCountyC, WillCountyC /
12 k 'Biorefineries' /corkCountyR, WillCountyR /
13 m 'transportation modes' /Small_Trucks, Large_Trucks,
14 p 'capacity levels of biorefineries' /Small,Medium,Large/ // t
hree levels of biorefineries: 0-45mil gallons/year, 45-100 5mil gallons/ye
ar and 100-155mil gallons/year
15 r 'regional natural resources' /water/ // water is con
sidered to be the natural resources
16 l 'Demand Zones' /corkCountyD, WillCountyD/

17 t 'Time periods' /Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Ju
n, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec/ // 12 time periods (12 monthh calende
r year
18 q 'Conversion Technologies' /Biochemical_Conversion, The
rmochemical_Conversion/ // Biochemical conversion and thermochemical con
version Technologies
19 g 'Biofuels' /ethanol/;

22 Parameters

25 BDW(b) ' Density of Wet Biomass in kg/m^3'
26 / Switch_Grass = 234, Energy_Crop = 345, WoodRes
idues = 367/
28 CBD(b) ' Unit Cost of Drying Biomass $/kg'
29 / Switch_Grass = 23434, Energy_Crop = 34534, Woo
dResidues = 36755/
31 CFC(j) ' Fixed Investment cost of installing Collection F
acility in $'
32 / corkCountyC = 18273 , WillCountyC = 12938/
34 CVC(j) ' variable investment cost of installing collectio
n facility in $/m^3'
35 / corkCountyC = 852 , WillCountyC = 1256/
37 DFCE(m) ' distance fixed cost of ethanol with transportati
on mode m in $/gallon'
38 / Small_Trucks = 4565, Large_Trucks = 54658 , R
ail_Way = 654/
40 DVCE(m) ' distance variable cost of ethanol with transport
ation mode m, $/gallon/km'
41 / Small_Trucks = 565, Large_Trucks = 5658 , Rai
l_Way = 354/
43 EBP(g) ' emission credit from producing unit quantity of
byproduct g, kg CO2-eq/kwh'
44 /ethanol = 25/
46 EDR(b) ' emission of drying unit amount of biomass type b
, kg CO2-eq/ kg biomass'
47 / Switch_Grass = 56, Energy_Crop = 34, WoodResid
ues = 36/
49 EEBD(l) ' emission of blending and distributing unit amoun
t of in demand zone l, kg CO2-eq/gallon'
50 / corkCountyD = 82 , WillCountyD = 126/
52 EINVE ' emission of storing unit amount of ethanol, kg C
O2-eq/ gallon'/ 253/
54 ETRE(m) ' emission of transporting unit amount of ethanol
for unit distance with transportation mode m, kg CO2-eq/gallon'
55 / Small_Trucks = 65, Large_Trucks = 558 , Rail_
Way = 3544/
57 H(t) ' duration of time period t, day'
58 /Jan = 20, Feb = 25 , Mar = 12 , Apr = 26, May = 13
, Jun = 30, Jul = 26, Aug = 14 , Sept = 27 , Oct = 16 , Nov = 30 , Dec =
60 HRE(k) ' unit inventory holding cost of ethanol in bioref
inery k, $/gallon'
61 / corkCountyR = 52 , WillCountyR = 26/
63 HY ' production time duration of a year, day' /200/
65 INCVO(l) ' volumetric production incentive for ethanol blen
ded in demand zone l, $/gallon'
66 / corkCountyD = 82 , WillCountyD = 16/
68 INCIM(k) ' maximum incentive that can be provided for the c
onstruction of biorefinery k, $'
69 / corkCountyR = 8452 , WillCountyR = 1526/
71 INCIP(k) ' maximum percentage of the construction cost of b
iorefinery k that can be covered by incentive'
72 / corkCountyR = 42 , WillCountyR = 26/
74 IR ' discount rate' /30/
76 JBP(g) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit economic credit from producing byproduct g, job*year/$'
77 /ethanol = 125625/
79 JDR(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of drying biomass type b, job*year/$'
80 / Switch_Grass = 552656, Energy_Crop = 524634, W
oodResidues = 526536/
82 JFC ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of installing a collection facyouility, job*year/$' /2564
84 JHV(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of cultivating and harvesting biomass type b, job *year/$
85 / Switch_Grass = 5552656, Energy_Crop = 5264634,
WoodResidues = 5266536/
87 JINV(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of storing biomass type b, job *year/$'
88 / Switch_Grass = 522656, Energy_Crop = 526424, W
oodResidues = 526646/
90 JINVE ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of storing unit amount of ethanol, job *year/$'/65865/
92 JTRE(m) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of transporting ethanol with mode m, job*year/$'
93 / Small_Trucks = 6525, Large_Trucks = 55658 , R
ail_Way = 356544/
95 JVC ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the
unit expenditure of adding storage capacity to a collection facility, job*
97 MC(b) ' moisture content of biomass type b'
98 / Switch_Grass = 16, Energy_Crop = 22, WoodResid
ues = 11/
100 MCD(b) ' moisture content of dry biomass type b'
101 / Switch_Grass = 10, Energy_Crop = 15, WoodResid
ues = 8/
103 NY ' project lifetime in terms of years, year'/30/
105 PCL(j) ' lower acilit
y j if it is installed, m^3'
106 / corkCountyC = 273 , WillCountyC = 538/
107 PCU(j) ' upper bound collection facilit
y j if it is installed, m^3'
108 / corkCountyC = 733 , WillCountyC = 638/
110 TOR(j) ' inventory turnover ratio of collecting facility j
111 / corkCountyC = 0.8 , WillCountyC = 0.6/
113 theta(q) ' minimum production amount as a percentage of capa
city for biorefineries with technology q'
114 / Biochemical_Conversion = 32, Thermochemical_Conve
rsion = 42/

130 Table BA(b,i,t) 'Amount of Biomass'
131 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sept Nov Dec
132 Switch_Grass.corkCounty 425 586 854 586 526 584
548 584 856 856 584
133 Switch_Grass.WillCounty 452 598 542 552 895 365
458 856 525 548 568
134 Energy_Crop.corkCounty 658 584 658 635 859 458
695 858 856 569 548
135 Energy_Crop.WillCounty 652 695 524 524 589 526
585 965 585 585 965
136 WoodResidues.corkCounty 586 586 526 658 695 585
658 658 658 695 125
137 WoodResidues.WillCounty 658 458 658 526 858 658
548 548 958 856 456;

143 Table CBP(g,t) ' Credit of Unit of Quantity of by-product in $/
144 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Nov Dec
145 ethanol 15 56 56 54 54 12 41
41 56 65 41;

152 Table CPD(b,q) ' Variable Production Cost of Unit quantity of
Biomass in $/kg'
153 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Convers
154 Switch_Grass 5245 4568
155 Energy_Crop 5685 4565
156 WoodResidues 4512 4564;

162 Table CR(k,p,q) ' investment cost of installing biorefinery in
163 Small.Biochemical_Conversion Small.Thermoche
mical_Conversion Medium.Biochemical_Conversion Medium.Thermochemical_Con
164 corkCountyR 2152 5421
9856 9457
165 WillCountyR 3658 4565
8756 7858
168 + Large.Biochemical_Conversion Large.Thermoche
169 corkCountyR 10256 11254
170 WillCountyR 11256 12546

175 Table DEM(l,t) ' demand of ethanol at demand zones in gallon'
176 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Nov Dec
177 corkCountyD 2652 5462 5262 5462 5426 5462 545
2 5462 5462 5425 5426
178 WillCountyD 5462 4562 5466 5426 4526 5462 652
5 5462 6547 5265 5462;

183 Table DFC(b,m) ' distance fixed cost of biomass type b with t
ransportation mode m,in $/kg'
184 Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
185 Switch_Grass 4456 45623 256
186 Energy_Crop 5633 45265 546
187 WoodResidues 4256 45262 452;

193 Table DSCR(j,k,m) ' distance from collection facility j to bior
efinery k with transport mode m in km'
194 corkCountyR.Small_Trucks corkCountyR.Large_Truc
ks corkCountyR.Rail_Way WillCountyR.Small_Trucks WillCountyR.Large_Truc
ks WillCountyR.Rail_Way
195 corkCountyC 1256 5036
42156 4586 5462
196 WillCountyC 2154 4125
41526 5452 6532

200 Table DSHC(i,j,m) ' distance from harvesting site i to collectio
n facility j with transportation mode m, km'
201 corkCountyC.Small_Trucks corkCountyC.Large_Truc
ks corkCountyC.Rail_Way WillCountyC.Small_Trucks WillCountyC.Large_Truc
ks WillCountyC.Rail_Way
202 corkCounty 1556 4036
42146 4986 5662
203 WillCounty 2144 3125
41566 5752 6432

206 Table DSHR(i,k,m) ' distance from harvesting site i to biorefine
ry k with transportation mode m, km'
207 corkCountyR.Small_Trucks corkCountyR.Large_Truck
s corkCountyR.Rail_Way WillCountyR.Small_Trucks WillCountyR.Large_Truck
s WillCountyR.Rail_Way
208 corkCounty 1556 4036
42146 4986 5662
209 WillCounty 2144 3125
41566 5752 6432

212 Table DSRB(k,l,m) ' distance from biorefinery k to demand zones
l with transportation mode m, km'
213 corkCountyD.Small_Trucks corkCountyD.Large_Truck
s corkCountyD.Rail_Way WillCountyD.Small_Trucks WillCountyD.Large_Truck
s WillCountyD.Rail_Way
214 corkCountyR 1556 4036
42146 4986 5662
215 WillCountyR 2144 3125
41566 5752 6432

218 Table DVC(b,m) ' distance variable cost of biomass type b wit
h transportation mode m, $/kg/km'
219 Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
220 Switch_Grass 14253 145265 1253
221 Energy_Crop 14526 415654 1245
222 WoodResidues 12456 412563 985;
224 // DVCE(m) ' distance variable cost of ethanol with transpor
tation mode m, $/gallon/km'
225 // EBP(g) ' emission credit from producing unit quantity of
byproduct g, kg CO2-eq/kwh'
226 // EDR(b) ' emission of drying unit amount of biomass type
b, kg CO2-eq/ kg biomass'
227 // EEBD(l) ' emission of blending and distributing unit amou
nt of in demand zone l, kg CO2-eq/gallon'
228 // EHV(b,i) ' emission of cultivating and harvesting unit amo
unt of biomass type b from harvesting site i, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'
229 Table EHV(b,i) ' emission of cultivating and harvesting unit am
ount of biomass type b from harvesting site i, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'
230 corkCounty WillCounty
231 Switch_Grass 142 165
232 Energy_Crop 126 414
233 WoodResidues 456 413;

236 Table EINV(b,t) ' emission of storing unit amount of biomass typ
e b at time period t, kg CO2-eq/ kg biomass'
237 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Sept Oct Nov Dec
238 Switch_Grass 125 252 452 45 45 456 452 45
85 98 85 78
239 Energy_Crop 145 256 452 65 85 84 42 74
85 89 65 78
240 WoodResidues 125 54 45 85 74 85 45 84
65 58 95 84;

244 Table EPD(b,q) ' emission of converting unit amount of biomass
type b with technology q, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'
245 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conv
246 Switch_Grass 142 415
247 Energy_Crop 126 456
248 WoodResidues 456 124;

251 Table ETRB(b,m) ' emission of transporting unit amount of biom'

253 Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
254 Switch_Grass 143 165 123
255 Energy_Crop 126 454 12
256 WoodResidues 156 463 98;

259 Table FCPD(k,p,q) ' fixed production cost per unit capacity of b
iorefinery k with capacity level p and technology q, $/gallon'
260 Small.Biochemical_Conversion Small.Th
ermochemical_Conversion Medium.Biochemical_Conversion Medium.Thermochemi
cal_Conversion Large.Biochemical_Conversion Large.Thermochemical_Conver
261 corkCountyR 14526
41526 415233
415264 41523365 4152552
262 WillCountyR 14586
45365 545652
415265 41526656 5226636;

266 Table HCB(b,j,t) ' unit inventory holding cost of biomass type
b in collection facility j at time period t, $/kg'
267 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
268 Switch_Grass.corkCountyC 54 54 45 45 45 54 54
54 54 54 54 54
269 Switch_Grass.WillCountyC 52 54 74 65 52 54 85
56 54 52 52 54
270 Energy_Crop.corkCountyC 56 84 85 58 54 52 65
55 54 45 54 52
271 Energy_Crop.WillCountyC 54 52 98 85 52 52 54
54 25 65 52 52
272 WoodResidues.corkCountyC 52 65 45 54 65 56 65
25 65 54 54 52
273 WoodResidues.WillCountyC 65 54 54 44 58 55 68
56 54 52 52 65;

277 Table HRB(b,k,t) ' unit inventory holding cost of biomass type b
in biorefinery k at time period t, $/kg'
279 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
280 Switch_Grass.corkCountyR 541 54 45 45 45 54 54
54 54 54 54 54
281 Switch_Grass.WillCountyR 521 54 74 65 52 54 85
56 54 52 52 54
282 Energy_Crop.corkCountyR 562 84 85 58 54 52 65
55 54 45 54 52
283 Energy_Crop.WillCountyR 541 52 98 85 52 52 54
54 25 65 52 52
284 WoodResidues.corkCountyR 522 65 45 54 65 56 65
25 65 54 54 52
285 WoodResidues.WillCountyR 652 54 54 44 58 55 68
56 54 52 52 65;

288 Table HRATE(b,i,t) ' maximum harvesting rate of biomass type b in
harvesting site i at time period t, kg/day'
289 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
290 Switch_Grass.corkCounty 52 54 45 45 45 54 54
51 54 54 54 54
291 Switch_Grass.WillCounty 24 54 74 65 52 54 85
62 54 52 52 54
292 Energy_Crop.corkCounty 65 84 85 58 54 52 65
53 54 45 54 52
293 Energy_Crop.WillCounty 46 52 98 85 52 52 54
42 25 65 52 52
294 WoodResidues.corkCounty 25 65 45 54 65 56 65
55 65 54 54 52
295 WoodResidues.WillCounty 56 54 54 44 58 55 68
65 54 52 52 65;
297 Table HRVC(b,i,t) ' harvest and purchase cost of biomass type b f
rom harvesting site i at time period t, $/kg'
299 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
300 Switch_Grass.corkCounty 542 545 454 455 445 544
545 5451 545 544 554 545
301 Switch_Grass.WillCounty 524 546 741 655 525 545
855 5622 541 522 522 542
302 Energy_Crop.corkCounty 565 842 855 586 545 525
655 5532 542 485 554 522
303 Energy_Crop.WillCounty 546 552 986 855 525 525
545 5425 251 655 552 522
304 WoodResidues.corkCounty 525 655 458 584 652 565
655 2555 655 594 524 525
305 WoodResidues.WillCounty 656 584 548 446 584 555
685 5655 548 528 528 655;

315 Table JCR(p,q) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from
the investment of constructing biorefinery k with capacity level p and tec
hnology q, jobyear/$'
316 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Convers
317 Small 1262 12546
318 Medium 4156 12563
319 Large 5265 56858;

325 Table JFPD(p,q) ' numlting from
the unit expenditure ofel p and te
chnology q, job*year/$'
326 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Co
327 Small 12625 12546
328 Medium 41565 12563
329 Large 52654 56858;

336 Table JPD(b,q) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from
the unit expenditure of producing biomass type b with technology q, job*y
338 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_C
339 Switch_Grass 142236 415565
340 Energy_Crop 126545 456542
341 WoodResidues 456256 124452;

343 Table JTRB(b,m) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from
the unit expenditure of transporting biomass type b with transportation m
ode m, job*year/$'
344 Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
345 Switch_Grass 14352 16565 12347
346 Energy_Crop 12654 45454 12568
347 WoodResidues 15652 46365 98854;
353 Table NR(k,r,t) ' available amount of natural resource r for
biofuel production at biorefinery site k in time period t, kg or m3'
354 Jan Feb Mar Apr May J
un Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
355 corkCountyR.water 5422 5455 5454 4555 4545 5
464 5845 54551 5645 5448 5554 5485
356 WillCountyR.water 5245 5465 7541 5655 5255 5
545 8585 56622 5451 5522 5228 5942;

362 Table PR(p,q) ' upper bound of the capacity of biorefinery
with capacity level p and technology q, gallon'
363 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conve
364 Small 126 156
365 Medium 415 123
366 Large 526 568;

370 Table VCCR(j,k,m,t) ' volume capacity for the transportation of bi
omass from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transportation mode
m at time period t, m^3'
371 Jan Feb Mar Apr M
ay Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
372 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 252 145 1452 1452 3
522 541 789 953 147 452 652 648
373 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 452 456 1452 4755 5
124 256 456 943 214 153 553 654
374 WillCountyC.CorkCountyR.Small_Trucks 635 365 6542 1452 6
314 854 123 761 541 854 535 514
375 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 548 854 6585 6254 5
412 741 369 751 256 274 855 658
376 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 521 748 5485 5214 1
265 852 654 486 325 955 442 458
377 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 635 958 6585 5214 4
158 963 456 254 985 194 746 948
378 WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 584 652 1452 6325 4
123 753 693 845 784 374 661 845
379 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 125 145 6524 1526 6
451 357 486 954 458 373 648 314
380 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 325 554 4585 6354 2
143 159 153 694 986 927 321 548
381 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 156 635 7415 4452 2
146 225 183 745 321 274 954 748
382 WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 854 854 5236 8541 8
541 258 729 321 547 214 648 635
383 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 526 665 3256 6325 6
325 147 426 563 569 695 448 456;

386 Table VCHC(i,j,m,t) ' volume capacity for the tm^3'
387 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
388 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 25 15 142 142 522
41 789 953 147 452 652 648
389 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 45 46 142 475 124
56 456 943 214 153 553 654
390 WillCounty.CorkCountyC.Small_Trucks 63 35 652 142 314
54 123 761 541 854 535 514
391 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 54 84 655 624 412
41 369 751 256 274 855 658
392 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 52 78 545 524 265
52 654 486 325 955 442 458
393 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 63 98 655 524 158
63 456 254 985 194 746 948
394 WillCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 58 62 142 636 123
53 693 845 784 374 661 845
395 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 12 15 654 152 451
57 486 954 458 373 648 314
396 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 32 54 455 635 143
59 153 694 986 927 321 548
397 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 15 65 745 445 146
25 183 745 321 274 954 748
398 WillCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 85 84 526 854 541
58 729 321 547 214 648 635
399 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 52 65 326 632 325
47 426 563 569 695 448 456;

401 Table VCHR(i,k,m,t) ' volume capacity for the transportation of biom
ass from harvesting site i to biorefinery k with transportation mode m at
time period t, m^3'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct No
v Dec
403 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks
522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 45
2 48
404 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks
422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 54
2 58
405 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks
353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 68
5 42
406 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks
484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 41
5 12
407 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks
214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 47
5 84
408 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks
356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 12
5 64
409 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks
848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 35
6 15
410 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks
254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 45
8 45
411 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way
256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 69
5 57
412 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way
564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 41
5 54
413 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way
548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 64
8 48
414 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way
266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 45
8 62;

416 Table WCCR(j,k,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of biom
ass from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transportation mode m
in time period t, kg'
417 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
418 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 52
2 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
419 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 12
4 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
420 WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 31
4 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
421 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 41
2 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
422 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 26
5 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
423 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 15
8 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
424 WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 12
3 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
425 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 45
1 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
426 corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 14
3 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
427 corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 14
6 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
428 WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 54
1 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
429 WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 32
5 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

431 Table WCRB(k,l,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of bi
omass biorefinery k to demand zones l with transportation mode m in time p
eriod t, kg'
432 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
433 corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 52
2 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
434 corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 12
4 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
435 WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 31
4 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
436 WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 41
2 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
437 corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 26
5 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
438 corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 15
8 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
439 WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 12
3 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
440 WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 45
1 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
441 corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 14
3 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
442 corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 14
6 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
443 WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 54
1 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
444 WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 32
5 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

446 Table WCHC(i,j,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of bioma
ss from harvesting site i to collection facility j with transportation mod
e m at time period t, kg'
447 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
448 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 52
2 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
449 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124
256 46 93 14 153 542 58
450 WillCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314
854 12 71 41 854 685 42
451 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412
741 36 71 56 274 415 12
452 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265
852 65 46 25 955 475 84
453 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158
963 45 24 85 194 125 64
454 WillCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123
753 69 85 84 374 356 15
455 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451
357 48 94 58 373 458 45
456 corkCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143
159 15 64 86 927 695 57
457 corkCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146
225 18 75 21 274 415 54
458 WillCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541
258 72 31 47 214 648 48
459 WillCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325
147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

461 Table WCHR(i,k,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of b
iomasansportation mode m
in time period t, kg'
462 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
463 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 52
2 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
464 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124
256 46 93 14 153 542 58
465 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314
854 12 71 41 854 685 42
466 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412
741 36 71 56 274 415 12
467 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265
852 65 46 25 955 475 84
468 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158
963 45 24 85 194 125 64
469 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123
753 69 85 84 374 356 15
470 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451
357 48 94 58 373 458 45
471 corkCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143
159 15 64 86 927 695 57
472 corkCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146
225 18 75 21 274 415 54
473 WillCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541
258 72 31 47 214 648 48
474 WillCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325
147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

476 Table alpha(b,i,t) ' percentage of harvesting loss of biomass ty
pe b in harvesting site i at time period t'
477 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
478 Switch_Grass.corkCounty 25 52 52 15 15 16 12
15 15 18 15 18
479 Switch_Grass.WillCounty 15 56 52 15 15 14 12
12 15 19 15 18
480 Energy_Crop.corkCounty 25 54 45 15 14 15 15
12 15 18 15 14
481 Energy_Crop.WillCounty 25 15 14 20 10 10 10
10 12 12 12 12
482 WoodResidues.corkCounty 32 9 12 8 11 9 10
11 12 11 12 11
483 WoodResidues.WillCounty 16 25 12 6 11 9 10
20 10 10 15 10;

486 Table beta(b,t) ' percentage of biomass type b deteriorated in co
llection facility j at time period t'
487 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept
Oct Nov Dec
488 Switch_Grass 15 22 12 15 15 16 12 15 15
18 15 18
489 Energy_Crop 15 16 12 15 15 14 12 14 15
19 15 18
490 WoodResidues 15 14 15 15 14 15 15 14 15
18 15 14;

492 Table eta(b,q)' conversion factor of biomass type b with technolo
gy q,gallon/kg'
493 Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical
494 Switch_Grass 0.5 0.8
495 Energy_Crop 0.9 0.8
496 WoodResidues 0.26 0.7;

498 Table rho(b,q,r) ' required amount of natural resource r for t
he conversion of unit quantity of biomass type b with technology q, kg or
499 water
500 Switch_Grass.Biochemical_Conversion 10562
501 Switch_Grass.Thermochemical_Conversion 10256
502 Energy_Crop.Biochemical_Conversion 10256
503 Energy_Crop.Thermochemical_Conversion 54268
504 WoodResidues.Biochemical_Conversion 54856
505 WoodResidues.Thermochemical_Conversion 4526;

508 Table epsilon(b,g,q)' amount of byproduct g generated in the conv
ersion of unit quantity of biomass type b with technology q, kg or kwh'
509 Biochemical_Conversion Thermoc
510 Switch_Grass.ethanol 10562
511 Energy_Crop.ethanol 10256
512 WoodResidues.ethanol 10256

515 Table lambda(i,t) ' weather factor for biomass harvesting in si
te i at time period t'
516 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
517 corkCounty 25 52 52 15 15 16 12
15 15 18 15 18
518 WillCounty 15 56 52 15 15 14 12
12 15 19 15 18;

524 Variables
526 CC ' Cost of Capital Investment'
527 CBH ' Cost of Biomass Harvest'
528 CBT ' Cost of Biomass Transport'
529 CBI ' Cost of biomass Inventory'
530 CBDD ' Cost of biomass drying'
531 CP ' Cost of production'
532 CEI ' Cost of Ethanol Inventory'
533 CET ' Cost of Ethanol transport'
534 CVI ' Cost of Ethanol imcentive'
535 CBPC ' Cost of byproduct credit'
536 tc ' Cost objective function'
537 te ' Enviromental Objective Function'
538 tj ' Social Objective Function'

543 Binary Variables
544 x(j) '0-1 variable, equal to 1 if a collection facility
is located at site j'
545 y(k,p,q) '0-1 variable, equal to 1 if a biorefinery k with c
apacity level p and technology q is located at site k';
547 Positive Variables
549 bic(b,j,t) 'inventorcollection fa
cility j at time period t, kg'
550 bir(b,k,t) 'inventory levin biorefinery k
at time period t, kg'
551 cap(k,q) 'annu(in terms of ethanol) o
f biorefinery k with technology q, gallon'
552 capc(j) 'storage capacitycility j, m^3'
553 capr(k,p,q) 'annual prs of ethanol) o
f city level p and technology q,gallon'
554 eir(k,t) 'inefinery k at tim
e period t, gallon'
555 fcr(b,j,k,m,t)'amount of bed from collection f
acility j to biorefineryportation mode m in time period t, kg
556 fhc(b,i,j,m,t)'amount of biomass type b shipped from harvesting s
ite i to collecperiod t
, kg'
557 fhr(b,i,k,m,t)'amountfrom harvesting s
ite i to be period t, kg'
558 frb(k,l,m,t) 'amount of ethanol shipped from biorefinery k to de
mand zones l with transportation mode m in time period t,gallon'
559 harv(b,i,t) 'amount of biomass type b in harvested from harvest
ing site i in time period t, kg'
560 inci(k) 'incentive received for the construction of biorefi
nery k, $'
561 tc 'total annualized cost of operating the biofuel sup
ply chain, $'
562 tcapc(j) 'total cost of installing collection facility j, $'
563 tcapr(k) 'total cost of installing biorefinery k, $'
564 tcbd(b,t) 'total cost of drying biomass type b at time period
565 tcbp(g,t) 'total credit of byproduct g produced at time perio
d t'
566 tcin(b,t) 'total inventory cost of biomass type b at time per
iod t tcinet total inventory cost of ethanol at time period t'
567 tcpd(k) 'total annual production cost in biorefinery k'
568 tcphb(b,t) 'total cost of purchasing and harvesting biomass ty
pe b at time period t'
569 tctr(b,m,t) 'total cost of shipping biomass type b with transpo
rtation mode m in time period t'
570 tctre(m,t) 'total cost of transporting ethanol with transporta
tion mode m in time period t'
571 te 'total GHG emission (CO2-equiv/year) of operating t
he biofuel supply chain, kg'
572 tj 'total accrued local jobs (full-time equivalent for
one year) through the lifetime of the biofuel supply chain'
573 wb(b,k,q,t) 'amoun for the production o
f biofuels through tet time period t, m^3'
574 wbp(g,k,t) 'amof byproduct g generated in biorefinery k a
t time period t, kg or kwh'
575 we(k,q,t) 'amount y q in
biorefinery k at time period t, gallon';

582 BFSS 'Biomass Feedstock Supply System'
583 THALWHC 'The total harvest amount, local weather factor and
the harvesting capacity'
584 MBHSCB 'Mass Balance of harvesting site i at time period t
for cellulosic biomass type b'
585 MBCF 'Mass balance for collection facilities'
586 LUBOCF 'The storage capacity of collection facility its lo
wer and upper bounds, if the collection facility is built'
587 TIFV 'the total inventory of all the feedstocks in terms
of volume'
588 TPCFSC 'The thr nstrained by its storage capacity'
589 IOTFCFW 'input alows into the Col
lection facility in terms of Weight'
590 IOTFCFV 'input an flows into the Col
lection facility in terms of Volume'
591 IOTBFFW 'i flows into the Bio
refinery in terms of Weight'
592 IOTBFFV 'inp Bio
refinery in terms of Volume'
593 MBFBF 'The mefinery k a
t time period t'
594 MBEBR 'the mass balance relationship of ethanol at bioref
inery k at time period t'
595 SCTCLBR 'selection of conversion technology and capacity le
vel of biorefineries'
596 APCBRI 'The annual production capacity (in terms of ethano
l) of the biorefineryI'
597 APCBRII 'The annual production capacity (in terms of ethano
l) of the biorefineryII'
598 EPABR 'ethanol production amount inod t shouldcapacity'
599 PABPFS 'production amount of byproduct g relates to the fe
edstock consumption amount'
600 EPABFFS 'Ethanol production amount at each biorefinery in e
ach time period relates to the feedstock consumption amount'
601 CNRABRL 'consumption of regional natural resource r (e.g.,
t biorefinery location'
602 TFHSTBRV 'trarvesting site to Biore
finery in terms of Volume'
603 TFHSTBRW 'trvesting site to Biore
finery in terms of Weight'
604 TFCFTBRV 'transportation fl facility into
the Biorefinery in terms of Volume'
605 TFCFTBRW 'transpotion facility into
the Biorefinery in terms of Weight'
606 CBFDS 'Cellulosn System'
607 CETDZ 'cello demand zone l at
time period transportation mode

609 ICBR 'installation costs for biorefineries'
610 ICCF 'The installation cost for collection facility j is
given by a cost function with fixed charge'
611 TCGGI 'total construction grant from the governmentI'
612 TCGGII 'total construction grant from the governmentII'
613 ANCC 'the annualized total capital cosT'
614 CBB 'harvest annual operational cost of cellulosic biom
ass production and harvesting cost'
615 CBTT 'Cost of biomass transport'
616 CBII 'Cost of biomass inventory'
617 CBDDD 'Cost of biomass drying'
618 CPP 'Cost of Production'
619 CEII 'Cost of ethanol inventory'
620 CETT 'Cost of ethanol transport'
621 CVII 'Cost of vol incentive'
622 CBRSI 'Cost of biofuel selling incentive'
623 TNC 'Cost Objective Function'
624 GHGM 'Environmental Objective Function'
625 NALJ 'Social Objective Funtion';

633 THALWHC.. sum((b,i,t), harv(b,i,t)/lambda(i,t)*HRATE(b,i,t)) =l= sum(t, H(

638 MBHSCB.. sum((b,i,t), (1-alpha(b,i,t))*harv(b,i,t)) =e= sum((j,m), fhc(b,i
**** $1
,j,m,t)+ sum((k,m), fhr(b,i,k,m,t)));
49,149$149 $125 $149,149$149

643 MBCF.. sum ((i,m), fhc(b,i,j,m,t) + (1- beta(b,t))* bic(b,j,t-1)) =e= sum
**** $149$149$149 $149,149 $149,149,149
((k,m),fcr(b,j,k,m,t)+ bic(b,j,t));

648 LUBOCF.. PCL(j)* x(j) =l= capc(j) =l= PCU(j)*x(j);
**** $149 $149 $149$409

655 TIFV.. sum(b, bic(b,j,t)/(1-MCD(b))* BD(b)) =l= capc(j);
**** $149,149 $140 $149

663 TPCFSC.. 2*(sum (b,k,m), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b))* TOR(j)) =l= capc(j);
**** $148,8,37,409
672 IOTFCFW.. sum(b, fhc(b,i,j,m,t)/(1-MC(b))* BDW(b))) =l= VCHC(i,j,m,t)* x(
**** $149,149,149,149 $37,408,409
j); // Equation 8
674 IOTFCFV.. sum(b, fhc(b,i,j,m,t)/(1-MC(b)) =l= WCHC(i,j,m,t)* x(j);
**** $149,149,149,149 $8 $149,149,149,149,300
// Equation 9
676 IOTBFFW.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b))* BD(b)) =l= VCCR(j,k,m,t)* x
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,149,1
(j);// Equation 10
678 IOTBFFV.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b)) =l= WCCR(j,k,m,t)* x(j);
**** $149,149,149,149 $8 $149,149,149,149,30

682 MBFBF.. sum((i,m), fhr(b,i,k,m,t))+ sum ((j,m), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)) + (1- be
**** $149$149$149 $149$149$149
ta(b,t)* bir(b,k,t-1) =e= sum(q, wb(b,k,q,t) + bir(b,k,t));
$149,149 $149,300

686 MBEBR.. sum(q, we(k,q,t) + eir(k,t-1)) =e= sum((l,m), frb(k,l,m,t) + e
**** $149$149 $149,149 $149 $149
ir(k,t-1)); // Equation 13

696 SCTCLBR.. sum((p,q), y(k,p,q) =l= 1; // Equation 14
**** $149 $8

701 APCBRI.. PR(p-1,q)* y(k,p,q) =l= capr(k,p,q)* y(k,p,q); // Equation 15
**** $149$149 $149,149,149 $149,149,149,149,300
704 APCBRII.. cap(k,q) =e= sum(p, capr(k,p,q); // Equation 16
**** $149,149 $149$149,8

710 EPABR.. theta(q)* (H(t)/ HY))*cap(k,q) =l= we(k,q,t) =l= (H(t)/ HY))*ca
**** $149 $149 $37,408,409
p(k,q); // Equation 17

715 EPABFFS.. we(k,q,t) =e= sum(b, eta(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t)); // Equation 18
**** $149,149,149 $149 $149,149,149

720 EPABFFS.. wbp(g,k,t) =e= sum(b, epsilon(b,g,q)* wb(b,k,q,t)); // Equati
**** $150 $149,149,149 $149,149 $149,149,149
on 19.

725 CNRABRL.. sum(b, rho(b,q,r)* wb(b,k,q,t)) =l= NR(k,r,t); // Equation 2
**** $149,149 $149,149,149 $149,149,149

730 TFHSTBRV.. sum(b, fhr(b,i,k,m,t)/(1-MC(b))* BDW(b)) =l= VCHR(i,k,m,t)* su
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,149,14
m((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 21
9,149 $149
732 TFHSTBRW.. sum(b, fhr(b,i,k,m,t)/(1-MC(b))) =l= WCHR(i,k,m,t)* sum((p,q),
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,149,149,149
y(k,p,q)); // Equation 22
734 TFCFTBRV.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1-MCD(b)))* BD(b)) =l= VCCR(j,k,m,t)* s
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,37,408,409
um((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 23
736 TFCFTBRW.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1-MCD(b))) =l= WCCR(j,k,m,t)* sum((p,q
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,149,149,149
), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 24

742 CBFDS.. frb(k,l,m,t) =l= WCRB(k,l,m,t)* y(k,p,q); // Equation 25
**** $149,149,149,149 $149,149,149,149,149,300

747 CETDZ.. sum((k,m), frb(k,l,m,t)) =g= DEM(l,t); // Equation 26
**** $149$149 $149,149

753 ICBR.. tcapr(k) =e= sum((p,q), CR(k,p-1,q)* y(k,p,q)+(capr(k,p,q)- PR(p-
**** $149 $149 $149 $149
1,q)* y(k,p,q)*((CR(k,p,q)-CR(k,p-1,q)))/(PR(p,q)-PR(p-1,q))); // Equation
$149 $149 $149 $8

757 ICCF.. tcapc(j) =e= CFC(j)* x(j) + CVC(j)* capc(j); // Equation 28.
**** $149 $149 $149 $149 $149

762 TCGGI.. inci(k) =l= INCIM(k)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 29.
**** $149 $149 $149
764 TCGGII.. inci(k) =l= INCIP(k)* tcapc(j); // Equation 30
**** $149 $149 $149

769 ANCC.. CC =e= ((IR*(1+IR)^NY)/ (((1+IR)^NY)-1))*(sum(j, tcapc(j)+
**** $8,409
sum(k, tcapr(k)-sum(k, inci(k)))); // Equation 31
771 CBB.. CBH =e= sum((b,i,t), HRVC(b,i,t)* harv(b,i,t));
// Equation 32
773 CBTT.. CBT =e= sum((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m) + DVC(b,m)* DSHC(i,j,m
))* fhc(b,i,j,m,t) + sum(((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m)+ DVC(b,m)* DSHR(i,k,m))*
**** $2$125,125,125,125,125 $149
fhr(b,i,k,m,t) + sum(((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m) +DVC(b,m)* DSCR(j,k,m))*fcr(b
$149 $2$300
,j,k,m,t)); // Equation 33
775 CBII.. CBI =e= sum((b,j,t), H(t)* HCB(b,j,t)* bic(b,j,t)) + sum((b
,k,t), H(t)* HRB(b,k,t)*bir(b,k,t)); // Equation 34
777 CBDDD.. CBDD =e= sum((b,i,j,m,t), CBD(b)* fhc(b,i,j,m,t)) + sum((b,
i,k,m,t), CBD(b) *fhr(b,i,k,m,t)); // Equation 35
779 CPP.. CP =e= sum((b,k,q,t), CPD(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t))+ sum((k,p,q),
FCPD(k,p,q)* capr(k,p,q)); // Equation 36
781 CEII.. CEI =e= sum((k,t), H(t)* HRE(k)* eir(k,t)) // Equation 37
783 CETT.. CET =e= sum((k,l,m,t), (DFCE(m)+ DVCE(m)* DSRB(k,l,m))* frb
**** $409
(k,l,m,t); // Equation 38
785 CVII.. CVI =e= sum((k,l,m,t), INCVO(l)* frb(k,l,m,t)); // Equation
787 CBRSI.. CBPC =e= sum((g,k,t), CBP(g,t)* wbp(g,k,t)); // Equation
789 TNC.. tc =e= CC + CBH + CBT + CBI + CBD + CP + CEI + CET - CVI -
**** $148
CBPC; //Equation 41

797 GHGM.. te =e= sum ((b,i,t), EHV(b,i)* harv(b,i,t))
798 + sum((b,i,j,m,t), (ETRB(b,m)* DSHC(i,j,m))* fh
799 + sum((b,i,k,m,t), (ETRB(b,m) DSHR(i,k,m))* fh
**** $125,125,125,125 $8,409
800 + sum((b,i,k,m,t), (ETRB(b,m) DSCR(j,k,m))* fc
801 + sum((b,j,t), EINV(b,t)* bic(b,j,t))
802 + sum((b,k,t), EINV(b,t)* bir(b,k,t))
803 + sum((b,i,j,m,t), EDR(b)* fhc(b,i,j,m,t))
804 + sum((b,i,k,m,t), EDR(b)* fhr(b,i,k,m,t))
805 + sum((b,k,q,t), EPD(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t))
806 + sum((k,t), EINVE(b,t)* eir(k,t))- sum((g,k,t)
, EBP(g)* wbp(g,k,t))
807 + sum((k,l,m,t), (ETRE(m)* DSRB(k,l,m) + EEBD(t
))+ fbr(k,l,m,t); // Equation 42

818 NALJ.. tj =e= sum((k,p,q), JCR(p,q)*CR(k,p,q)* y(k,p,q))
819 + sum((k,p,q), (capr(k,p,q)-PR(p-1,q)*(JCR(p,q)*C
R(k,p,q)-CR(k,p,q) - JCR(p-1,q)*CR(k,p-1,q))/(PR(p,q)-PR(p-1,q))
820 + sum(j, JFC*CFC(j)*x(j))+ sum(j, JVC*CVC(j)*capc
821 + NY*(sum((b,t), JHV(b)* tcphb(b,t)))
822 + NY*(sum((b,m,t), JTRB(b,m)* tctr(b,m,t)))
823 + NY*(sum((b,t), JINV(b)* tcin(b,t)))
824 + NY*(sum((b,t), JDR(b)*tcbd(b,t)))
825 + NY*(sum((b,k,q,m,t), JPD(b,q)*CPC(b,q)*wb(b,k,q
**** $125,125 $140
826 + NY*(sum((k,p,q), JFPD(p,q)*FCPD(k,p,q)*capr(k,p
**** $125,125,125
827 + NY*(sum(t, JINVE*tcine(t)))
**** $140
828 + NY*(sum((g,t), JBP(g)* tcbp(g,t)))
829 + NY*(sum((m,t), JTRE(m)*tctre(m,t))); //Equati
**** $8
on 43.

832 Model supplychain /all/;
Posts: 373
Joined: 7 years ago

Re: Uncontrolled set entered as constant

Post by Fred »


How to fix "Uncontrolled set entered as constant" is explained in the documentation: https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/UG_Fix ... ors_ErrorG

It seems that there are many other errors like

148 Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less indices as declared
125 Set is under control already
140 Unknown symbol

The Documentation should be helpful to fix these as well.
If you need further help, I suggest to also share your code. If you copy code (or long output from lst files) into your message, I suggest to put it between the code tags (the "</>" in the menu bar if you write a post. The formatting will then be preserved.) That makes reading a lot easier.

Posts: 12
Joined: 5 years ago

Re: Uncontrolled set entered as constant

Post by delelayo08 »

Tnx Fred.

This is my code
Posts: 12
Joined: 5 years ago

Re: Uncontrolled set entered as constant

Post by delelayo08 »

Tnx Fred. this is my code

i 'Harvesting sites' /corkCounty, WillCounty / // State of Illionion Comprises of 102 counties
b 'Biomass Feedstocks' /Switch_Grass, Energy_Crop,WoodResidues / // Three major cellulosic biomass (Agricultural Products, Energy crops and wood residue
j 'Collection Facilities' /corkCountyC, WillCountyC / // State of Illionion Comprises of 102 counties
k 'Biorefineries' /corkCountyR, WillCountyR / // State of Illionion Comprises of 102 counties
m 'transportation modes' /Small_Trucks, Large_Trucks,Rail_Way/ // Three major transpotation modes: Rail, Small Trucks and Large Trucks.
p 'capacity levels of biorefineries' /Small,Medium,Large/ // three levels of biorefineries: 0-45mil gallons/year, 45-100 5mil gallons/year and 100-155mil gallons/year
r 'regional natural resources' /water/ // water is considered to be the natural resources
l 'Demand Zones' /corkCountyD, WillCountyD/ // State of Illionion Comprises of 102 counties
t 'Time periods' /Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec/ // 12 time periods (12 monthh calender year
q 'Conversion Technologies' /Biochemical_Conversion, Thermochemical_Conversion/ // Biochemical conversion and thermochemical conversion Technologies
g 'Biofuels' /ethanol/;

// specifying parameters
// BA(b,i,t) ' Amount of Biomass in Kg'

BDW(b) ' Density of Wet Biomass in kg/m^3'
/ Switch_Grass = 234, Energy_Crop = 345, WoodResidues = 367/

CBD(b) ' Unit Cost of Drying Biomass $/kg'
/ Switch_Grass = 23434, Energy_Crop = 34534, WoodResidues = 36755/

CFC(j) ' Fixed Investment cost of installing Collection Facility in $'
/ corkCountyC = 18273 , WillCountyC = 12938/

CVC(j) ' variable investment cost of installing collection facility in $/m^3'
/ corkCountyC = 852 , WillCountyC = 1256/

DFCE(m) ' distance fixed cost of ethanol with transportation mode m in $/gallon'
/ Small_Trucks = 4565, Large_Trucks = 54658 , Rail_Way = 654/

DVCE(m) ' distance variable cost of ethanol with transportation mode m, $/gallon/km'
/ Small_Trucks = 565, Large_Trucks = 5658 , Rail_Way = 354/

EBP(g) ' emission credit from producing unit quantity of byproduct g, kg CO2-eq/kwh'
/ethanol = 25/

EDR(b) ' emission of drying unit amount of biomass type b, kg CO2-eq/ kg biomass'
/ Switch_Grass = 56, Energy_Crop = 34, WoodResidues = 36/

EEBD(l) ' emission of blending and distributing unit amount of in demand zone l, kg CO2-eq/gallon'
/ corkCountyD = 82 , WillCountyD = 126/

EINVE ' emission of storing unit amount of ethanol, kg CO2-eq/ gallon'/ 253/

ETRE(m) ' emission of transporting unit amount of ethanol for unit distance with transportation mode m, kg CO2-eq/gallon'
/ Small_Trucks = 65, Large_Trucks = 558 , Rail_Way = 3544/

H(t) ' duration of time period t, day'
/Jan = 20, Feb = 25 , Mar = 12 , Apr = 26, May = 13, Jun = 30, Jul = 26, Aug = 14 , Sept = 27 , Oct = 16 , Nov = 30 , Dec = 10/

HRE(k) ' unit inventory holding cost of ethanol in biorefinery k, $/gallon'
/ corkCountyR = 52 , WillCountyR = 26/

HY ' production time duration of a year, day' /200/

INCVO(l) ' volumetric production incentive for ethanol blended in demand zone l, $/gallon'
/ corkCountyD = 82 , WillCountyD = 16/

INCIM(k) ' maximum incentive that can be provided for the construction of biorefinery k, $'
/ corkCountyR = 8452 , WillCountyR = 1526/

INCIP(k) ' maximum percentage of the construction cost of biorefinery k that can be covered by incentive'
/ corkCountyR = 42 , WillCountyR = 26/

IR ' discount rate' /30/

JBP(g) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit economic credit from producing byproduct g, job*year/$'
/ethanol = 125625/

JDR(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of drying biomass type b, job*year/$'
/ Switch_Grass = 552656, Energy_Crop = 524634, WoodResidues = 526536/

JFC ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of installing a collection facyouility, job*year/$' /256486/

JHV(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of cultivating and harvesting biomass type b, job *year/$'
/ Switch_Grass = 5552656, Energy_Crop = 5264634, WoodResidues = 5266536/

JINV(b) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of storing biomass type b, job *year/$'
/ Switch_Grass = 522656, Energy_Crop = 526424, WoodResidues = 526646/

JINVE ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of storing unit amount of ethanol, job *year/$'/65865/

JTRE(m) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of transporting ethanol with mode m, job*year/$'
/ Small_Trucks = 6525, Large_Trucks = 55658 , Rail_Way = 356544/

JVC ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of adding storage capacity to a collection facility, job*year/$'/2356/

MC(b) ' moisture content of biomass type b'
/ Switch_Grass = 16, Energy_Crop = 22, WoodResidues = 11/

MCD(b) ' moisture content of dry biomass type b'
/ Switch_Grass = 10, Energy_Crop = 15, WoodResidues = 8/

NY ' project lifetime in terms of years, year'/30/

PCL(j) ' lower bound of the capacity of collection facility j if it is installed, m^3'
/ corkCountyC = 273 , WillCountyC = 538/
PCU(j) ' upper bound of the capacity of collection facility j if it is installed, m^3'
/ corkCountyC = 733 , WillCountyC = 638/

TOR(j) ' inventory turnover ratio of collecting facility j'
/ corkCountyC = 0.8 , WillCountyC = 0.6/

theta(q) ' minimum production amount as a percentage of capacity for biorefineries with technology q'
/ Biochemical_Conversion = 32, Thermochemical_Conversion = 42/

Table BA(b,i,t) 'Amount of Biomass'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCounty 425 586 854 586 526 584 548 584 856 856 584
Switch_Grass.WillCounty 452 598 542 552 895 365 458 856 525 548 568
Energy_Crop.corkCounty 658 584 658 635 859 458 695 858 856 569 548
Energy_Crop.WillCounty 652 695 524 524 589 526 585 965 585 585 965
WoodResidues.corkCounty 586 586 526 658 695 585 658 658 658 695 125
WoodResidues.WillCounty 658 458 658 526 858 658 548 548 958 856 456;

Table CBP(g,t) ' Credit of Unit of Quantity of by-product in $/kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Nov Dec
ethanol 15 56 56 54 54 12 41 41 56 65 41;

Table CPD(b,q) ' Variable Production Cost of Unit quantity of Biomass in $/kg'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Switch_Grass 5245 4568
Energy_Crop 5685 4565
WoodResidues 4512 4564;

Table CR(k,p,q) ' investment cost of installing biorefinery in $'
Small.Biochemical_Conversion Small.Thermochemical_Conversion Medium.Biochemical_Conversion Medium.Thermochemical_Conversion
corkCountyR 2152 5421 9856 9457
WillCountyR 3658 4565 8756 7858

+ Large.Biochemical_Conversion Large.Thermochemical_Conversion
corkCountyR 10256 11254
WillCountyR 11256 12546;

Table DEM(l,t) ' demand of ethanol at demand zones in gallon'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Nov Dec
corkCountyD 2652 5462 5262 5462 5426 5462 5452 5462 5462 5425 5426
WillCountyD 5462 4562 5466 5426 4526 5462 6525 5462 6547 5265 5462;

Table DFC(b,m) ' distance fixed cost of biomass type b with transportation mode m,in $/kg'
Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
Switch_Grass 4456 45623 256
Energy_Crop 5633 45265 546
WoodResidues 4256 45262 452;

Table DSCR(j,k,m) ' distance from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transport mode m in km'
corkCountyR.Small_Trucks corkCountyR.Large_Trucks corkCountyR.Rail_Way WillCountyR.Small_Trucks WillCountyR.Large_Trucks WillCountyR.Rail_Way
corkCountyC 1256 5036 42156 4586 5462 45262
WillCountyC 2154 4125 41526 5452 6532 41253;

Table DSHC(i,j,m) ' distance from harvesting site i to collection facility j with transportation mode m, km'
corkCountyC.Small_Trucks corkCountyC.Large_Trucks corkCountyC.Rail_Way WillCountyC.Small_Trucks WillCountyC.Large_Trucks WillCountyC.Rail_Way
corkCounty 1556 4036 42146 4986 5662 75262
WillCounty 2144 3125 41566 5752 6432 61253;

Table DSHR(i,k,m) ' distance from harvesting site i to biorefinery k with transportation mode m, km'
corkCountyR.Small_Trucks corkCountyR.Large_Trucks corkCountyR.Rail_Way WillCountyR.Small_Trucks WillCountyR.Large_Trucks WillCountyR.Rail_Way
corkCounty 1556 4036 42146 4986 5662 75262
WillCounty 2144 3125 41566 5752 6432 61253;

Table DSRB(k,l,m) ' distance from biorefinery k to demand zones l with transportation mode m, km'
corkCountyD.Small_Trucks corkCountyD.Large_Trucks corkCountyD.Rail_Way WillCountyD.Small_Trucks WillCountyD.Large_Trucks WillCountyD.Rail_Way
corkCountyR 1556 4036 42146 4986 5662 75262
WillCountyR 2144 3125 41566 5752 6432 61253;

Table DVC(b,m) ' distance variable cost of biomass type b with transportation mode m, $/kg/km'
Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
Switch_Grass 14253 145265 1253
Energy_Crop 14526 415654 1245
WoodResidues 12456 412563 985;

Table EHV(b,i) ' emission of cultivating and harvesting unit amount of biomass type b from harvesting site i, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'
corkCounty WillCounty
Switch_Grass 142 165
Energy_Crop 126 414
WoodResidues 456 413;

Table EINV(b,t) ' emission of storing unit amount of biomass type b at time period t, kg CO2-eq/ kg biomass'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass 125 252 452 45 45 456 452 45 85 98 85 78
Energy_Crop 145 256 452 65 85 84 42 74 85 89 65 78
WoodResidues 125 54 45 85 74 85 45 84 65 58 95 84;

Table EPD(b,q) ' emission of converting unit amount of biomass type b with technology q, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Switch_Grass 142 415
Energy_Crop 126 456
WoodResidues 456 124;

Table ETRB(b,m) ' emission of transporting unit amount of biomass type b for unit distance with transportation mode m, kg CO2-eq/kg biomass'

Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
Switch_Grass 143 165 123
Energy_Crop 126 454 12
WoodResidues 156 463 98;

Table FCPD(k,p,q) ' fixed production cost per unit capacity of biorefinery k with capacity level p and technology q, $/gallon'
Small.Biochemical_Conversion Small.Thermochemical_Conversion Medium.Biochemical_Conversion Medium.Thermochemical_Conversion Large.Biochemical_Conversion Large.Thermochemical_Conversion
corkCountyR 14526 41526 415233 415264 41523365 4152552
WillCountyR 14586 45365 545652 415265 41526656 5226636;

Table HCB(b,j,t) ' unit inventory holding cost of biomass type b in collection facility j at time period t, $/kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCountyC 54 54 45 45 45 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
Switch_Grass.WillCountyC 52 54 74 65 52 54 85 56 54 52 52 54
Energy_Crop.corkCountyC 56 84 85 58 54 52 65 55 54 45 54 52
Energy_Crop.WillCountyC 54 52 98 85 52 52 54 54 25 65 52 52
WoodResidues.corkCountyC 52 65 45 54 65 56 65 25 65 54 54 52
WoodResidues.WillCountyC 65 54 54 44 58 55 68 56 54 52 52 65;

Table HRB(b,k,t) ' unit inventory holding cost of biomass type b in biorefinery k at time period t, $/kg'

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCountyR 541 54 45 45 45 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
Switch_Grass.WillCountyR 521 54 74 65 52 54 85 56 54 52 52 54
Energy_Crop.corkCountyR 562 84 85 58 54 52 65 55 54 45 54 52
Energy_Crop.WillCountyR 541 52 98 85 52 52 54 54 25 65 52 52
WoodResidues.corkCountyR 522 65 45 54 65 56 65 25 65 54 54 52
WoodResidues.WillCountyR 652 54 54 44 58 55 68 56 54 52 52 65;

Table HRATE(b,i,t) ' maximum harvesting rate of biomass type b in harvesting site i at time period t, kg/day'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCounty 52 54 45 45 45 54 54 51 54 54 54 54
Switch_Grass.WillCounty 24 54 74 65 52 54 85 62 54 52 52 54
Energy_Crop.corkCounty 65 84 85 58 54 52 65 53 54 45 54 52
Energy_Crop.WillCounty 46 52 98 85 52 52 54 42 25 65 52 52
WoodResidues.corkCounty 25 65 45 54 65 56 65 55 65 54 54 52
WoodResidues.WillCounty 56 54 54 44 58 55 68 65 54 52 52 65;

Table HRVC(b,i,t) ' harvest and purchase cost of biomass type b from harvesting site i at time period t, $/kg'

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCounty 542 545 454 455 445 544 545 5451 545 544 554 545
Switch_Grass.WillCounty 524 546 741 655 525 545 855 5622 541 522 522 542
Energy_Crop.corkCounty 565 842 855 586 545 525 655 5532 542 485 554 522
Energy_Crop.WillCounty 546 552 986 855 525 525 545 5425 251 655 552 522
WoodResidues.corkCounty 525 655 458 584 652 565 655 2555 655 594 524 525
WoodResidues.WillCounty 656 584 548 446 584 555 685 5655 548 528 528 655;

Table JCR(p,q) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the investment of constructing biorefinery k with capacity level p and technology q, jobyear/$'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Small 1262 12546
Medium 4156 12563
Large 5265 56858;

Table JFPD(p,q) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of operating biorefinery with capacity level p and technology q, job*year/$'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Small 12625 12546
Medium 41565 12563
Large 52654 56858;

Table JPD(b,q) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of producing biomass type b with technology q, job*year/$'

Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Switch_Grass 142236 415565
Energy_Crop 126545 456542
WoodResidues 456256 124452;

Table JTRB(b,m) ' number of accrued local jobs resulting from the unit expenditure of transporting biomass type b with transportation mode m, job*year/$'
Small_Trucks Large_Trucks Rail_Way
Switch_Grass 14352 16565 12347
Energy_Crop 12654 45454 12568
WoodResidues 15652 46365 98854;

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCountyR.water 5422 5455 5454 4555 4545 5464 5845 54551 5645 5448 5554 5485
WillCountyR.water 5245 5465 7541 5655 5255 5545 8585 56622 5451 5522 5228 5942;

Table PR(p,q) ' upper bound of the capacity of biorefinery with capacity level p and technology q, gallon'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Small 126 156
Medium 415 123
Large 526 568;

Table VCCR(j,k,m,t) ' volume capacity for the transportation of biomass from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transportation mode m at time period t, m^3'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 252 145 1452 1452 3522 541 789 953 147 452 652 648
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 452 456 1452 4755 5124 256 456 943 214 153 553 654
WillCountyC.CorkCountyR.Small_Trucks 635 365 6542 1452 6314 854 123 761 541 854 535 514
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 548 854 6585 6254 5412 741 369 751 256 274 855 658
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 521 748 5485 5214 1265 852 654 486 325 955 442 458
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 635 958 6585 5214 4158 963 456 254 985 194 746 948
WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 584 652 1452 6325 4123 753 693 845 784 374 661 845
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 125 145 6524 1526 6451 357 486 954 458 373 648 314
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 325 554 4585 6354 2143 159 153 694 986 927 321 548
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 156 635 7415 4452 2146 225 183 745 321 274 954 748
WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 854 854 5236 8541 8541 258 729 321 547 214 648 635
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 526 665 3256 6325 6325 147 426 563 569 695 448 456;

Table VCHC(i,j,m,t) ' volume capacity for the transportation of biomass from harvesting site i to collection facility j with transportation mode m at time period t, m^3'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 25 15 142 142 522 41 789 953 147 452 652 648
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 45 46 142 475 124 56 456 943 214 153 553 654
WillCounty.CorkCountyC.Small_Trucks 63 35 652 142 314 54 123 761 541 854 535 514
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 54 84 655 624 412 41 369 751 256 274 855 658
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 52 78 545 524 265 52 654 486 325 955 442 458
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 63 98 655 524 158 63 456 254 985 194 746 948
WillCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 58 62 142 636 123 53 693 845 784 374 661 845
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 12 15 654 152 451 57 486 954 458 373 648 314
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 32 54 455 635 143 59 153 694 986 927 321 548
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 15 65 745 445 146 25 183 745 321 274 954 748
WillCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 85 84 526 854 541 58 729 321 547 214 648 635
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 52 65 326 632 325 47 426 563 569 695 448 456;

Table VCHR(i,k,m,t) ' volume capacity for the transportation of biomass from harvesting site i to biorefinery k with transportation mode m at time period t, m^3'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

Table WCCR(j,k,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of biomass from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
corkCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
corkCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
WillCountyC.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
WillCountyC.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

Table WCRB(k,l,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of biomass biorefinery k to demand zones l with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
corkCountyR.corkCountyD.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
corkCountyR.WillCountyD.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
WillCountyR.corkCountyD.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
WillCountyR.WillCountyD.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

Table WCHC(i,j,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of biomass from harvesting site i to collection facility j with transportation mode m at time period t, kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
WillCounty.corkCountyC.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
WillCounty.corkCountyC.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
corkCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
corkCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
WillCounty.corkCountyC.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
WillCounty.WillCountyC.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

Table WCHR(i,k,m,t) ' weight capacity for the transportation of biomass from harvesting site i to biorefinery k with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 522 515 145 152 522 541 79 93 47 452 452 48
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 422 464 142 755 124 256 46 93 14 153 542 58
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Small_Trucks 353 325 652 452 314 854 12 71 41 854 685 42
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Small_Trucks 484 842 655 254 412 741 36 71 56 274 415 12
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 214 738 585 214 265 852 65 46 25 955 475 84
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 356 958 685 214 158 963 45 24 85 194 125 64
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Large_Trucks 848 626 152 325 123 753 69 85 84 374 356 15
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Large_Trucks 254 152 624 526 451 357 48 94 58 373 458 45
corkCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 256 542 485 354 143 159 15 64 86 927 695 57
corkCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 564 654 715 452 146 225 18 75 21 274 415 54
WillCounty.corkCountyR.Rail_Way 548 846 536 541 541 258 72 31 47 214 648 48
WillCounty.WillCountyR.Rail_Way 266 656 356 325 325 147 42 53 69 695 458 62;

Table alpha(b,i,t) ' percentage of harvesting loss of biomass type b in harvesting site i at time period t'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass.corkCounty 25 52 52 15 15 16 12 15 15 18 15 18
Switch_Grass.WillCounty 15 56 52 15 15 14 12 12 15 19 15 18
Energy_Crop.corkCounty 25 54 45 15 14 15 15 12 15 18 15 14
Energy_Crop.WillCounty 25 15 14 20 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12
WoodResidues.corkCounty 32 9 12 8 11 9 10 11 12 11 12 11
WoodResidues.WillCounty 16 25 12 6 11 9 10 20 10 10 15 10;

Table beta(b,t) ' percentage of biomass type b deteriorated in collection facility j at time period t'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Switch_Grass 15 22 12 15 15 16 12 15 15 18 15 18
Energy_Crop 15 16 12 15 15 14 12 14 15 19 15 18
WoodResidues 15 14 15 15 14 15 15 14 15 18 15 14;

Table eta(b,q)' conversion factor of biomass type b with technology q,gallon/kg'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Switch_Grass 0.5 0.8
Energy_Crop 0.9 0.8
WoodResidues 0.26 0.7;

Table rho(b,q,r) ' required amount of natural resource r for the conversion of unit quantity of biomass type b with technology q, kg or m^3'
Switch_Grass.Biochemical_Conversion 10562
Switch_Grass.Thermochemical_Conversion 10256
Energy_Crop.Biochemical_Conversion 10256
Energy_Crop.Thermochemical_Conversion 54268
WoodResidues.Biochemical_Conversion 54856
WoodResidues.Thermochemical_Conversion 4526;

Table epsilon(b,g,q)' amount of byproduct g generated in the conversion of unit quantity of biomass type b with technology q, kg or kwh'
Biochemical_Conversion Thermochemical_Conversion
Switch_Grass.ethanol 10562 2145
Energy_Crop.ethanol 10256 5486
WoodResidues.ethanol 10256 1552;

Table lambda(i,t) ' weather factor for biomass harvesting in site i at time period t'
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
corkCounty 25 52 52 15 15 16 12 15 15 18 15 18
WillCounty 15 56 52 15 15 14 12 12 15 19 15 18;


CC ' Cost of Capital Investment'
CBH ' Cost of Biomass Harvest'
CBT ' Cost of Biomass Transport'
CBI ' Cost of biomass Inventory'
CBDD ' Cost of biomass drying'
CP ' Cost of production'
CEI ' Cost of Ethanol Inventory'
CET ' Cost of Ethanol transport'
CVI ' Cost of Ethanol imcentive'
CBPC ' Cost of byproduct credit'
tc ' Cost objective function'
te ' Enviromental Objective Function'
tj ' Social Objective Function'

Binary Variables
x(j) '0-1 variable, equal to 1 if a collection facility is located at site j'
y(k,p,q) '0-1 variable, equal to 1 if a biorefinery k with capacity level p and technology q is located at site k';

Positive Variables

bic(b,j,t) 'inventory level of biomass type b in collection facility j at time period t, kg'
bir(b,k,t) 'inventory level of biomass type b in biorefinery k at time period t, kg'
cap(k,q) 'annual production capacity (in terms of ethanol) of biorefinery k with technology q, gallon'
capc(j) 'storage capacity of collection facility j, m^3'
capr(k,p,q) 'annual production capacity (in terms of ethanol) of biorefinery k with capacity level p and technology q,gallon'
eir(k,t) 'inventory level of ethanol in biorefinery k at time period t, gallon'
fcr(b,j,k,m,t)'amount of biomass type b shipped from collection facility j to biorefinery k with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
fhc(b,i,j,m,t)'amount of biomass type b shipped from harvesting site i to collection facility j with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
fhr(b,i,k,m,t)'amount of biomass type b shipped from harvesting site i to biorefinery k with transportation mode m in time period t, kg'
frb(k,l,m,t) 'amount of ethanol shipped from biorefinery k to demand zones l with transportation mode m in time period t,gallon'
harv(b,i,t) 'amount of biomass type b in harvested from harvesting site i in time period t, kg'
inci(k) 'incentive received for the construction of biorefinery k, $'
tc 'total annualized cost of operating the biofuel supply chain, $'
tcapc(j) 'total cost of installing collection facility j, $'
tcapr(k) 'total cost of installing biorefinery k, $'
tcbd(b,t) 'total cost of drying biomass type b at time period t'
tcbp(g,t) 'total credit of byproduct g produced at time period t'
tcin(b,t) 'total inventory cost of biomass type b at time period t tcinet total inventory cost of ethanol at time period t'
tcpd(k) 'total annual production cost in biorefinery k'
tcphb(b,t) 'total cost of purchasing and harvesting biomass type b at time period t'
tctr(b,m,t) 'total cost of shipping biomass type b with transportation mode m in time period t'
tctre(m,t) 'total cost of transporting ethanol with transportation mode m in time period t'
te 'total GHG emission (CO2-equiv/year) of operating the biofuel supply chain, kg'
tj 'total accrued local jobs (full-time equivalent for one year) through the lifetime of the biofuel supply chain'
wb(b,k,q,t) 'amount of biomass type b used for the production of biofuels through technology q in biorefinery k at time period t, m^3'
wbp(g,k,t) 'amount of byproduct g generated in biorefinery k at time period t, kg or kwh'
we(k,q,t) 'amount of ethanol produced through technology q in biorefinery k at time period t, gallon';


BFSS 'Biomass Feedstock Supply System'
THALWHC 'The total harvest amount, local weather factor and the harvesting capacity'
MBHSCB 'Mass Balance of harvesting site i at time period t for cellulosic biomass type b'
MBCF 'Mass balance for collection facilities'
LUBOCF 'The storage capacity of collection facility its lower and upper bounds, if the collection facility is built'
TIFV 'the total inventory of all the feedstocks in terms of volume'
TPCFSC 'The throughput of a collection facility is also constrained by its storage capacity'
IOTFCFW 'input and output transportation flows into the Collection facility in terms of Weight'
IOTFCFV 'input and output transportation flows into the Collection facility in terms of Volume'
IOTBFFW 'input and output transportation flows into the Biorefinery in terms of Weight'
IOTBFFV 'input and output transportation flows into the Biorefinery in terms of Volume'
MBFBF 'The mass balance of feedstock b in biorefinery k at time period t'
MBEBR 'the mass balance relationship of ethanol at biorefinery k at time period t'
SCTCLBR 'selection of conversion technology and capacity level of biorefineries'
APCBRI 'The annual production capacity (in terms of ethanol) of the biorefineryI'
APCBRII 'The annual production capacity (in terms of ethanol) of the biorefineryII'
EPABR 'ethanol production amount in biorefinery k with conversion technology q at each time period t should not exceed the annual production capacity'
PABPFS 'production amount of byproduct g relates to the feedstock consumption amount'
EPABFFS 'Ethanol production amount at each biorefinery in each time period relates to the feedstock consumption amount'
CNRABRL 'consumption of regional natural resource r (e.g., water) should not exceed the available amount at biorefinery location'
TFHSTBRV 'transportation flows from Harvesting site to Biorefinery in terms of Volume'
TFHSTBRW 'transportation flows from Harvesting site to Biorefinery in terms of Weight'
TFCFTBRV 'transportation flows from collection facility into the Biorefinery in terms of Volume'
TFCFTBRW 'transportation flows from collection facility into the Biorefinery in terms of Weight'
CBFDS 'Cellulosic Biofuel Distribution System'
CETDZ 'cellulosic ethanol transported to demand zone l at time period t from all the biorefineries with all the transportation modes'

ICBR 'installation costs for biorefineries'
ICCF 'The installation cost for collection facility j is given by a cost function with fixed charge'
TCGGI 'total construction grant from the governmentI'
TCGGII 'total construction grant from the governmentII'
ANCC 'the annualized total capital cosT'
CBB 'harvest annual operational cost of cellulosic biomass production and harvesting cost'
CBTT 'Cost of biomass transport'
CBII 'Cost of biomass inventory'
CBDDD 'Cost of biomass drying'
CPP 'Cost of Production'
CEII 'Cost of ethanol inventory'
CETT 'Cost of ethanol transport'
CVII 'Cost of vol incentive'
CBRSI 'Cost of biofuel selling incentive'
TNC 'Cost Objective Function'
GHGM 'Environmental Objective Function'
NALJ 'Social Objective Funtion';

BFSS.. sum((b,i,t), harv(b,i,t)) =l= sum((b,i,t), BA(b,i,t));

THALWHC.. sum((b,i,t), harv(b,i,t)/lambda(i,t)*HRATE(b,i,t)) =l= sum(t, H(t));

MBHSCB.. sum((b,i,t), (1-alpha(b,i,t))*harv(b,i,t)) =e= sum((b,i,j,m,t), fhc(b,i,j,m,t))+ sum((b,i,k,m,t), fhr(b,i,k,m,t));

MBCF.. sum ((b,i,j,m,t), fhc(b,i,j,m,t) + (1- beta(b,t))* bic(b,j,t-1)) =e= sum ((b,j,k,m,t),fcr(b,j,k,m,t)+ bic(b,j,t));

LUBOCF.. sum(j, PCL(j)* x(j)) =l= sum(j, capc(j)) =l= sum(j, PCU(j)*x(j));

TIFV.. sum((b,j,t), bic(b,j,t)/(1-MCD(b))* BD(b)) =l= sum(j, capc(j));

TPCFSC.. 2*(sum (b,j,k,m,t), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b))* TOR(j)) =l= sum(j, capc(j));

IOTFCFW.. sum((b,i,j,m,t), fhc(b,i,j,m,t)/(1-MC(b))* BDW(b)) =l= sum((i,j,m,t), VCHC(i,j,m,t)* x(j)); // Equation 8

IOTFCFV.. sum((b,i,j,m,t), fhc(b,i,j,m,t)/(1-MC(b)) =l= sum ((i,j,m,t), (WCHC(i,j,m,t)* x(j)); // Equation 9

IOTBFFW.. sum((b,j,k,m,t), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b))* BD(b)) =l= sum((j,k,m,t), VCCR(j,k,m,t)* x(j));// Equation 10

IOTBFFV.. sum((b,j,k,m,t), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1- MCD(b)) =l= sum((j,k,m,t), WCCR(j,k,m,t)* x(j)); // Equation 11

MBFBF.. sum((b,i,k,m,t), fhr(b,i,k,m,t))+ sum ((b,j,k,m,t), fcr(b,j,k,m,t)) + (1- beta(b,t)* bir(b,k,t-1)) =e= sum((b,k,q,t), wb(b,k,q,t) + bir(b,k,t));

MBEBR.. sum((k,q,t), we(k,q,t) + eir(k,t-1)) =e= sum((k,l,m,t), frb(k,l,m,t) + eir(k,t-1)); // Equation 13

SCTCLBR.. sum((p,q), y(k,p,q) =l= 1; // Equation 14

APCBRI.. PR(p-1,q)* y(k,p,q) =l= capr(k,p,q)* y(k,p,q); // Equation 15

APCBRII.. cap(k,q) =e= sum(p, capr(k,p,q); // Equation 16

EPABR.. theta(q)* (H(t)/ HY))*cap(k,q) =l= we(k,q,t) =l= (H(t)/ HY))*cap(k,q); // Equation 17

EPABFFS.. we(k,q,t) =e= sum(b, eta(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t)); // Equation 18

EPABFFS.. wbp(g,k,t) =e= sum(b, epsilon(b,g,q)* wb(b,k,q,t)); // Equation 19.

CNRABRL.. sum(b, rho(b,q,r)* wb(b,k,q,t)) =l= NR(k,r,t); // Equation 20.

TFHSTBRV.. sum(b, fhr(b,i,k,m,t)/(1-MC(b))* BDW(b)) =l= VCHR(i,k,m,t)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 21

TFHSTBRW.. sum(b, fhr(b,i,k,m,t)/(1-MC(b))) =l= WCHR(i,k,m,t)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 22

TFCFTBRV.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1-MCD(b)))* BD(b)) =l= VCCR(j,k,m,t)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 23

TFCFTBRW.. sum(b, fcr(b,j,k,m,t)/(1-MCD(b))) =l= WCCR(j,k,m,t)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 24

CETDZ.. sum((k,m), frb(k,l,m,t)) =g= DEM(l,t); // Equation 26

ICBR.. tcapr(k) =e= sum((p,q), CR(k,p-1,q)* y(k,p,q)+(capr(k,p,q)- PR(p-1,q)* y(k,p,q)*((CR(k,p,q)-CR(k,p-1,q)))/(PR(p,q)-PR(p-1,q))); // Equation 27

ICCF.. tcapc(j) =e= CFC(j)* x(j) + CVC(j)* capc(j); // Equation 28.

TCGGI.. inci(k) =l= INCIM(k)* sum((p,q), y(k,p,q)); // Equation 29.

TCGGII.. inci(k) =l= INCIP(k)* tcapc(j); // Equation 30

ANCC.. CC =e= ((IR*(1+IR)^NY)/ (((1+IR)^NY)-1))*(sum(j, tcapc(j)+ sum(k, tcapr(k)-sum(k, inci(k)))); // Equation 31

CBB.. CBH =e= sum((b,i,t), HRVC(b,i,t)* harv(b,i,t)); // Equation 32

CBTT.. CBT =e= sum((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m) + DVC(b,m)* DSHC(i,j,m))* fhc(b,i,j,m,t) + sum(((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m)+ DVC(b,m)* DSHR(i,k,m))* fhr(b,i,k,m,t) + sum(((b,i,j,m,t), (DFC(b,m) +DVC(b,m)* DSCR(j,k,m))*fcr(b,j,k,m,t)); // Equation 33

CBII.. CBI =e= sum((b,j,t), H(t)* HCB(b,j,t)* bic(b,j,t)) + sum((b,k,t), H(t)* HRB(b,k,t)*bir(b,k,t)); // Equation 34

CBDDD.. CBDD =e= sum((b,i,j,m,t), CBD(b)* fhc(b,i,j,m,t)) + sum((b,i,k,m,t), CBD(b) *fhr(b,i,k,m,t)); // Equation 35

CPP.. CP =e= sum((b,k,q,t), CPD(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t))+ sum((k,p,q), FCPD(k,p,q)* capr(k,p,q)); // Equation 36

CEII.. CEI =e= sum((k,t), H(t)* HRE(k)* eir(k,t)) // Equation 37

CETT.. CET =e= sum((k,l,m,t), (DFCE(m)+ DVCE(m)* DSRB(k,l,m))* frb(k,l,m,t); // Equation 38

CVII.. CVI =e= sum((k,l,m,t), INCVO(l)* frb(k,l,m,t)); // Equation 39

CBRSI.. CBPC =e= sum((g,k,t), CBP(g,t)* wbp(g,k,t)); // Equation 40

TNC.. tc =e= CC + CBH + CBT + CBI + CBD + CP + CEI + CET - CVI - CBPC; //Equation 41

GHGM.. te =e= sum ((b,i,t), EHV(b,i)* harv(b,i,t))
+ sum((b,i,j,m,t), (ETRB(b,m)* DSHC(i,j,m))* fhc(b,i,j,m,t)
+ sum((b,i,k,m,t), (ETRB(b,m) DSHR(i,k,m))* fhr(b,i,k,m,t)
+ sum((b,i,k,m,t), (ETRB(b,m) DSCR(j,k,m))* fcr(b,j,k,m,t)
+ sum((b,j,t), EINV(b,t)* bic(b,j,t))
+ sum((b,k,t), EINV(b,t)* bir(b,k,t))
+ sum((b,i,j,m,t), EDR(b)* fhc(b,i,j,m,t))
+ sum((b,i,k,m,t), EDR(b)* fhr(b,i,k,m,t))
+ sum((b,k,q,t), EPD(b,q)* wb(b,k,q,t))
+ sum((k,t), EINVE(b,t)* eir(k,t))- sum((g,k,t), EBP(g)* wbp(g,k,t))
+ sum((k,l,m,t), (ETRE(m)* DSRB(k,l,m) + EEBD(t))+ fbr(k,l,m,t); // Equation 42

NALJ.. tj =e= sum((k,p,q), JCR(p,q)*CR(k,p,q)* y(k,p,q))
+ sum((k,p,q), (capr(k,p,q)-PR(p-1,q)*(JCR(p,q)*CR(k,p,q)-CR(k,p,q) - JCR(p-1,q)*CR(k,p-1,q))/(PR(p,q)-PR(p-1,q))
+ sum(j, JFC*CFC(j)*x(j))+ sum(j, JVC*CVC(j)*capc(j))
+ NY*(sum((b,t), JHV(b)* tcphb(b,t)))
+ NY*(sum((b,m,t), JTRB(b,m)* tctr(b,m,t)))
+ NY*(sum((b,t), JINV(b)* tcin(b,t)))
+ NY*(sum((b,t), JDR(b)*tcbd(b,t)))
+ NY*(sum((b,k,q,m,t), JPD(b,q)*CPC(b,q)*wb(b,k,q,t)))
+ NY*(sum((k,p,q), JFPD(p,q)*FCPD(k,p,q)*capr(k,p,q)))
+ NY*(sum(t, JINVE*tcine(t)))
+ NY*(sum((g,t), JBP(g)* tcbp(g,t)))
+ NY*(sum((m,t), JTRE(m)*tctre(m,t))); //Equation 43.

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Re: Uncontrolled set entered as constant

Post by Fred »


Just copying your code and trying to run it creates an impressive amount of errors...
Please find attached a picture that explains again how to paste (or attach) code. If you do not follow these recommendations and just paste your code, alignment gets lost which in your case results in tons of errors.

In general, your chances to get help in this forum increase if you are willing to follow recommendations and put some effort in elaborating your problem.

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