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Get specific output information

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:16 pm
by gams101

i have a test.gms and want to test scip/baron/antigone with a timelimit and print the output in a file:

i call the script for scip for example with gams test.gms qcp=scip resLim=1 o=scip.lst

and it is working. Now i want to gather specific information about the runs of the different solvers:

I want to following information:

1. ObjVal of best Solution
2. ObjBound best bound found
3. Gap (optional could be calculated by 1+2)
4. Runtime of the algorithm

This is what i found yet:

display "MYOUTPUT11";
display m.objVal;
display m.etAlg;
display "MYOUTPUT11";

But how do to get the other information, also m.etAlg prints always NaN.
