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why use '.l' to set the Initial value of variable, the '.l' do not change

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:51 pm
by zifeiyu
The documentation guides say :"Activity level for the variable, also the current value or starting point. This attribute is reset to a new value when a model containing the variable is solved. The activity level is used to construct a basis for the model."
I use cplex to MIP problem.


objective function.. cost= sum((t,i)$( (g_lin.l(t,i,'b1')+g_lin.l(t,i,'b2')+g_lin.l(t,i,'b3'))<100), sum(b,30gs(t,i,b,ny)) ;

display g_lin.l; the result shows g_lin<100, but the cost =0;

the g_lin.l(t,i,b) is not reset ! always equal to 200

can you tell me why? or I forget something?